Life in the USA

The United States is the country where thousands of foreigners, want to move in pursuit of the American dream. Americans are sure that they have the best government in the world, medicine, economy, education and much more. American films and TV series often show the ideal life of ordinary citizens. But is it really so in America – let’s figure it out.
American Mentality and Life in the USA
America ranks 28th in the Human Development Index (it is calculated on the basis of several indicators – health and longevity, knowledge and a decent standard of living). In total, 152 countries are represented in the rating. If you look at the QLI data (a quality of life index, calculated on the basis of 9 indicators, which includes, including health, family and social life, job security, climate and ecology), then in this list the United States is on the 16th line out of 80 possible).
The Americans themselves “justify” such high positions in the ranking – they are friendly, relaxed and most of them enjoy life.
Residents of America love to chat or compliment even a stranger, they will easily agree to help a neighbor or play with a child on the street. They are loyal to tourists, they will always help you find your way or sort out American money. Locals want travelers from other countries to take home only pleasant memories of the United States.
Americans love their government and follow the law thoroughly. Talking about a neighbor who violated the law (he parked in the wrong place or threw garbage in the wrong place) is not considered shameful, on the contrary, this is the right and good deed, according to Americans. They are patriots of their country. They like to decorate their houses with national flags or sing patriotic songs.
Americans are a tolerant nation, they absolutely do not care about your gender, skin color, sexual orientation and religious preferences.
Pros and Cons of Living in America
There are many migrants living in the USA, they all came here in search of a better life. Many before moving were inclined to idealize this country. But in fact, like in any other state, America has enough pluses and minuses.
The obvious advantages of living in the States include:
- The United States, according to surveys of numerous travelers, is included in the list of the most beautiful countries in the world. Here is a diverse nature, where you can find everything from snow-capped mountains to the warm ocean.
- There are many natural monuments in the USA, there is a rich architectural and historical heritage, many museums and attractions.
- America ranks 4th in the world in terms of land area and 3rd in terms of population. Citizens of different nationalities live here, many visitors, so migrants do not feel like strangers in a new country and quickly adapt.
- The United States has a low unemployment rate (one of the lowest in the world), hundreds of professions are represented on the labor market. Anyone can find a job here – both a person without any education and a highly qualified specialist.
- High level of wages.
- Good ecological environment.
- Low level of corruption, social security of citizens.
- Good pensions.
- Quality food;
- Low prices for electronics and equipment.
- Education in the USA is considered one of the best in the world.
There are many advantages of living in the USA, we have listed the most important ones. But there are enough disadvantages of living in America, here are just a few of them:
- expensive medical care, US citizens are forced to pay for health insurance every month, there is practically no free medicine here (only for the poorest segments of the population);
- poorly developed public transport system – buses and subways are available only in large cities and metropolitan areas of the United States, in all other cases you need your own car, renting a car is expensive;
- high crime rate – almost every American city has its own ghetto, where it is better for no one to go;
- a complex system of laws and regulations, it takes a lot of time to study them all;
- expensive education, and without it one cannot count on a prestigious job;
- housing in America is expensive, and in order to purchase it, you must obtain permission from your neighbors;
- a high level of taxes, for many Americans, most of the salary goes to them.
When weighing the pros and cons of living in the US, you need to understand that the pros and cons of living may differ depending on the state you choose.
Medicine in America
Medicine in the United States is rightfully considered one of the most developed in the world. It is in the United States that the best hospitals have been built, highly qualified personnel work here, research and development are underway.
The US authorities are trying to lure the best doctors from around the world to American clinics, all conditions have been created for them in America:
- high social status;
- decent salary;
- various benefits and reward system.
IT IS INTERESTING! To be admitted to work with patients, all doctors take the Clinical Skills exam. It also reveals the level of communication skills, the ability to support the patient, to correctly convey information to him. At the exam, even the intonation of the voice is paid attention.
The development of medicine is a priority for the US government, so millions of dollars are allocated annually to this area. Almost all hospitals in America (with the exception of very small towns) are equipped with the most modern equipment.
Of the minuses of medicine, only its high cost can be noted. Every US citizen is required to have health insurance, which costs an average of $250-400 per month. But it does not cover all the costs of treatment by 100%. For each appointment with a doctor, you will have to pay about another 100-150 dollars.
Saving money on visiting a doctor and being treated on your own will not work – in America they do not sell medicines without a doctor’s prescription. Without it, you will not be sold even the simplest medicine for a cold. Medicines in the States are also expensive, but they can be paid for by insurance.
NOTE! The average life expectancy in America is 77 years for men and 80 years for women.
Education in the USA
The United States has a fairly high level of education, among the inhabitants of the middle and upper classes there are practically no people who have not graduated from some university. While the poorest segments of the population often drop out of school and go to work in order to be able to feed their families.
Education in the United States is divided into five stages:
- Preschool institutions – kindergartens, clubs or developmental classes. Children study there until the age of 5. Some of these establishments are open 24/7.
- An elementary school where a child studies from the first to the fourth grades. Basic knowledge is given there, with the help of tests, the strengths and weaknesses of students are revealed.
- Secondary school (grades 5 to 8). Here the student must already choose those subjects that he would like to study additionally, in addition to the basic disciplines – mathematics, English, natural and social sciences.
- Senior school (grades 9 to 12). Here begins a serious preparation for entering universities and colleges. Schoolchildren try to get a scholarship and study in depth those subjects that they need for admission.
- Higher educational institutions. Here students study for four (bachelor’s) or six years (two more years of master’s). In the last courses, practice begins, where it is important to prove yourself on the good side so that the employer offers a job.
Work in America
There are many professions on the labor market in the United States, there are also a lot of job seekers, so demand often exceeds supply. To get a high-paying job in America, you have to be a truly unique specialist with scarce skills.
A good higher education is required, it is necessary to speak English. A lot of specialists are required in the service sector, medicine, programming, finance, energy and agriculture. The most in-demand professions in the US are:
- doctors (average annual salary $85,000);
- programmers (annual salary depends on the level of the specialist, may exceed $90,000 per year);
- teachers (they earn about $57,000 a year).
The salary depends on the level of qualification of the specialist and the city of residence. The average monthly salary in America is about $4,000.
On average, hourly wages in the US start at $5-7/hour. This is the minimum wage in America. Today, about 20 million Americans live on that income.
Consumer basket in America
In the US, the cost of living is 60% of monthly income. If an American family of 2-3 people does not have an income of $ 1,500 per month for each family member, then they are entitled to receive social assistance from the state.
Many Americans prefer not to cook on their own, but go to a restaurant for dinner. Food products in America undergo strict quality control, so they are quite expensive:
- bread – $ 2.45;
- chicken breast – $8;
- eggs – $3;
- milk – $1;
- a kilogram of sugar – $ 1.45.
The cost of real estate is high, especially in large cities. When buying a home, you need to remember that, in addition to the property tax, there is also a land tax (their percentage depends on the state). Therefore, many Americans prefer not to buy housing, but to rent it.
The most affordable in terms of rent are the states of Kansas, Oklahoma and Tennessee (Knoxville), where you can rent an apartment for $550-600 per month. Rental prices in major cities start at $1,500.
Buying houses is most profitable in Kansas, Michigan and Texas. There you can buy a cottage for an average of 130-140 thousand dollars.
On average, utilities cost $165 per month, and another $60 to pay for the Internet. You can buy a car for $14,000 (used Ford Fiesta).
The best states to live in
In order for the move to be as comfortable as possible and for you to quickly adapt to a new country, you must carefully choose the state in which you decide to move.
In 2022, based on various indicators, the best states to live in the US are:
- Iowa. This is the leading state in the US in the field of agriculture, biotechnology, the financial and insurance sectors are also rapidly developing here, and there is a shortage of personnel.
- Minnesota. The state was chosen by migrants from Germany. In addition to clean ecology and picturesque nature, finance, medicine, high technologies and tourism are well developed here.
- Utah. This state is rich in minerals, gold, silver, oil and natural gas are being mined here. In terms of financial stability, Utah ranks first in America.
- North Dakota. In terms of quality of life, North Dakota is the best American state. Mostly Germans and Norwegians live here, immigrants. Over 90% of the state is occupied by farms.
- New Hampshire. This state occupies one of the leading positions in several indicators at once – safety, salary levels and career opportunities. New Hampshire has beautiful nature and an environmentally friendly environment.
- Washington. The largest city in the state, Seattle, is recognized as one of the most comfortable places to live in America. The headquarters of many world firms are located in Washington, and highly qualified workers are always needed here. In addition, there is no income tax in the state.
- Massachusetts. This state is promising in terms of education. Here are the largest and most prestigious educational institutions in America, including the famous Harvard University.
It doesn’t matter which state you choose to live in – sunny California or rainy Washington, before moving, carefully study all the pros and cons of the state, read the reviews of local residents and do not have high expectations. Emigration to another country is always difficult, and the adaptation process often takes a long time.